Celestial hemisphere:  Northern  ·  Constellation: Monoceros (Mon)  ·  Contains:  IC 447  ·  NGC 2237  ·  NGC 2238  ·  Part of the constellation Gemini (Gem)  ·  Part of the constellation Monoceros (Mon)  ·  Rosette A  ·  Rosette Nebula  ·  The star 13Mon  ·  The star 15Mon  ·  The star 18Mon  ·  The star 30Gem  ·  The star 38Gem  ·  The star 6CMi  ·  The star Alhena (γGem)  ·  The star εMon  ·  The star λGem  ·  The star ξGem
Widefield around the Rosette Nebula, William Maxwell
Widefield around the Rosette Nebula
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Widefield around the Rosette Nebula

Widefield around the Rosette Nebula, William Maxwell
Widefield around the Rosette Nebula
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Widefield around the Rosette Nebula



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Widefield around the Rosette Nebula, William Maxwell

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